Wyndham Books

Wyndham Books is my publishing imprint which reissues novels by some of the most popular English-speaking authors of the mid-twentieth century. The imprint was inspired by my grandmother’s book collection, and the books of hers I remember reading while staying with her as a child and young adult.

Wyndham Books publishes new editions of authors such as Lucilla Andrews, Ursula Bloom, Catherine Gaskin, Naomi Jacob, Cecil Roberts, C.L. Skelton and Lucy Walker, as well as the acclaimed creator of A Family at War, John Finch. Recent new acquisitions include international bestseller Anne Hampson and acclaimed crime author Margaret Duffy, who continues to write her popular Langley and Gillard series.

The reissues have seen these popular authors top the bestsellers lists again, in some cases many years after their death. Total sales now exceed half a million books. I take great pride and care in managing the legacies of these authors, which have been licensed to Wyndham Books by the authors or their literary estates.

Current Wyndham Books authors:

Lucilla Andrews
Jean Bowden/Tessa Barclay
Ursula Bloom/Sheila Burns/Lozania Prole
Robert Clifford
Margaret Duffy
John Finch
Catherine Gaskin
Jane Grant
Anne Hampson
Naomi Jacob
Jean McConnell
Mary E. Pearce
Diana Raymond
Cecil Roberts
CL Skelton
Lucy Walker
Sheila Walsh


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