An Evening with Lucy Easthope

15TH JULY 2022 / NEWS

I interviewed Professor Lucy Easthope for the inaugural event of The Exchange at Liverpool’s Athenaeum.

Prof Easthope is a world-leading authority on recovering from disaster, advising on everything from the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami to the 7/7 bombings, the Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand, the Grenfell fire and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Her memoir When The Dust Settles Stories of Love, Loss and Hope from an Expert in Disaster, is a Sunday Times bestseller and has been a Radio 4 Book at Bedtime.

This was a very moving and insightful event. Prof Easthope’s humanity, empathy and common sense shone through everything she said. There were also thought-provoking contributions from the audience.

Through The Exchange, I intend to organise and host public conversations about the important issues of our age, encouraging debate and the sharing of opinions and experiences in a welcoming and respectful environment.

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