Book product page MOT

Improve all of the elements on your book’s product page to maximise sales potential.

Many writers don’t realise that their book’s product page on Amazon (and other retailers) is a key tool in marketing their book. The product page is how your book is displayed online to potential customers.


What is a Product Page MOT?
The “MOT session” is designed to help you maximise every element of your book’s “product page” on Amazon. This session is aimed at independently-published authors.

What elements does it cover?
We will look at the following:

  • Book title;
  • Book cover;
  • Book description;
  • Book keywords;
  • Price;
  • “Also boughts” on your book page;
  • Competitors on your book page;
  • Your Amazon Author Central account

We’ll compare each of these elements to those of other books in your genre, paying particular attention to books that are selling well.

How long is the session?
A session lasts 60 minutes and can be done by telephone, Skype or Zoom. Before the session I will study your current product page and current competitors, and prepare for our session before it takes place.

How many sessions will I need?
One session should be enough for us to examine each element of your book’s product page, and for us to come up with steps you can take afterwards to improve your page. Follow up sessions can be arranged, but there is no obligation to book more than one session.

How much will it cost me?
A 60 minute Product Page MOT costs £80 (+ VAT) = £96. Payment is made by BACS.

Please contact me for more details and to book your session

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